Wildrift Patch Notes: Everything You Need to Know : etagege.com

Hi there, avid Wildrift players! Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the latest patch notes for this popular mobile game. As you know, patch updates are crucial in keeping the game fresh, balanced, and bug-free. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the latest Wildrift patch notes, including new champions, gameplay changes, and bug fixes. So, without further ado, let’s dive in!

New Champions

The latest Wildrift patch introduces two new champions to the game. Let’s take a closer look at each of them and see what they bring to the table.

Champion 1: Gwen

Gwen is a new top lane champion with a unique playstyle. She’s a skirmisher who excels at surviving in fights and dealing damage over time. Here are her abilities:

Ability Description
Hallowed Mist Gwen creates a mist around her that grants her armor and magic resist and deals damage to enemies inside it.
Skip ‘n Slash Gwen dashes forward and deals damage to enemies in a line. Her next three basic attacks have increased range and deal bonus magic damage.
Snip Snip! Gwen snips her scissors, dealing damage to enemies in front of her and reducing their armor and magic resist.
Needlework Gwen’s basic attacks deal bonus on-hit magic damage, and her abilities scale with bonus attack speed.

Gwen’s unique playstyle revolves around her ability to kite and outmaneuver her opponents. Her Hallowed Mist ability allows her to survive in fights while dealing damage over time to enemies inside it. Her Skip ‘n Slash ability gives her mobility and burst damage, while her Snip Snip! ability reduces enemy armor and magic resist, making them more vulnerable to her attacks. Finally, her Needlework passive ability rewards her for building attack speed, making her a formidable late-game threat.

Champion 2: Rammus

Rammus is a classic League of Legends champion who finally makes his way to Wildrift. He’s a tanky jungler with strong ganking potential and crowd control. Here are his abilities:

Ability Description
Powerball Rammus rolls into a ball, gaining speed and knocking up enemies he collides with.
Defensive Ball Curl Rammus curls into a ball, gaining armor and magic resist and dealing damage to enemies who attack him.
Frenzying Taunt Rammus taunts an enemy, forcing them to attack him and reducing their attack speed.
Tremors Rammus creates a tremor around him, dealing damage to nearby enemies and slowing them.

Rammus is a great pick for players who enjoy playing tanks and disrupting enemy teams. His Powerball ability allows him to quickly move around the map and engage enemies, while his Defensive Ball Curl ability makes him incredibly resilient in fights. His Frenzying Taunt ability is great for locking down enemy carries, while his Tremors ultimate ability deals damage and slows enemies around him.

Gameplay Changes

The latest Wildrift patch brings several gameplay changes to the game. Let’s take a closer look at each of them and see how they affect the gameplay.

Item Changes

The following items have been changed in the latest patch:

Item Changes
Thornmail Now provides additional magic resist and grievous wounds on basic attacks.
Sunfire Aegis Now deals more damage to minions and monsters.
Trinity Force Now grants more attack speed and less cooldown reduction.

These item changes aim to provide more diversity in item builds and make certain items more viable in specific situations. Thornmail’s additional magic resist makes it a better choice against magic damage-heavy teams, while Sunfire Aegis’ increased damage to minions and monsters makes it a better item for junglers and wave clearers. Trinity Force’s increased attack speed makes it a better choice for auto-attack-based champions.

Champion Changes

The following champions have been changed in the latest patch:

Champion Changes
Amumu Now gains more bonus health from items and abilities.
Ashe Now deals more damage with Volley ability.
Blitzcrank Now deals less damage with Power Fist ability.

These champion changes aim to balance the game and make certain champions more viable or less oppressive in certain situations. Amumu’s increased bonus health makes him a more tanky champion, while Ashe’s increased damage on Volley makes her a stronger poke champion. Blitzcrank’s reduced damage on Power Fist makes him less oppressive in early game.

Bug Fixes

The latest Wildrift patch also brings several bug fixes to the game. Here are the most notable ones:

Gameplay Bugs

  • Fixed a bug where some champions’ abilities would not work as intended.
  • Fixed a bug where some champions’ basic attacks would not deal damage.
  • Fixed a bug where some items’ passives would not activate.

Visual Bugs

  • Fixed a bug where some champions’ skins would not display correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where some champions’ animations would not play correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where some items’ visual effects would not display correctly.

These bug fixes aim to improve the overall gameplay experience and make the game more enjoyable for players.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the latest Wildrift patch:

Q: When is the latest Wildrift patch coming out?

A: The latest Wildrift patch is already out! You can download it from your app store and start playing.

Q: How do I play the new champions?

A: To play the new champions, Gwen and Rammus, you need to purchase them with in-game currency or real money. Once you own them, you can select them in champion select and start playing.

Q: What are the best item builds for Gwen and Rammus?

A: The best item builds for Gwen and Rammus depend on your playstyle and the enemy team composition. Generally, Gwen benefits from attack speed and on-hit effects, while Rammus benefits from tanky items with crowd control effects.

Q: What are the best runes for Gwen and Rammus?

A: The best runes for Gwen and Rammus also depend on your playstyle and the enemy team composition. Generally, Gwen benefits from Precision and Domination runes, while Rammus benefits from Resolve and Inspiration runes.

Q: Are there any known bugs in the latest Wildrift patch?

A: There are always some bugs in every patch, but the latest Wildrift patch has fixed many of them. If you encounter any bugs, you can report them to Riot Games support for further investigation.


That’s all for our comprehensive guide on the latest Wildrift patch notes. We hope this article has provided you with everything you need to know about the new champions, gameplay changes, and bug fixes. Remember to always stay updated with the latest patches to keep your gameplay experience fresh and balanced. Happy gaming!

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